Veganuary - Hill & Szrok

Remit: Create a post for East London Butcher - Hill & Szrok to engage with the idea of Veganuary - not eating meat for the month of January. I wanted to create a conversation rather than something combatant and find common ground. My ethos of engagement and education to create engagement was especially relevant. I wanted to show that we thought about the ethics of eating meat which is clearly what customers wanted to see.

It ended up being the most engaged with post ever on the instagram page with over 950 likes and 41 comments.



Don’t worrywe’re not going to try and tell you that veganism is a gloabal conspiracy or try and convince anyone to eat something they don’t want to.

What we would like to say is that a lot of the reasons that people are choosing to go Vegan are the same reasons we decided to go full carcass: we didn’t want anything to do with the bad animal welfare, outsized environmental impact or the pretty suspect labour practices that comes with intenseively farmed meat.

The way we operate is that we deal only directly with farmers and abbatoirs, no box meat, no vague answers about where the animal is from, who’s raised it or how it’s been killed. We take the same approach from our chateaubriand to our pork scratchings. We’re not here to try and talk people in or out of eating meat but we are here to say that there are some great British farmers and great meat that’s produced in really good and often regenerative ways that we are happy to sell and with a completely clear consious.

We’ve always encouraged people to think more about what they eat and where it’s from no matter what month of the year it is.


Halloween - Flock & Herd